H2PIA is interesting as an indication of some similar approaches to our Urbibana.
Basically a self contained, self-sustaining community. The idea of generated storage is rather close to the energy use formulation I set out last year. I just hope that when the sun and wind ARE available, electricity is used as directly as possible.
“The renewable energy comes from solar or wind power and is used to split H2O – ordinary water – into H2 and O2 – hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen is vented into the atmosphere, which already contains about 20 percent O2. The hydrogen is used in fuel cells that can produce energy, for instance in the form of electricity and heat. In the fuel cell, the energy is created by silent electrochemical processes with no pollution. The only product left over when the hydrogen is used up, is pure water. During periods with low energy demand, we can store the hydrogen. Then, when the wind is not blowing and the sun is not shining, we use the stored hydrogen.”
There are some aspects of the community I am dubious about, primarily the fact it is indicative of yet more suburban sprawl. Could it have been more centrally designed, with a minimal footprint? The actual aesthetics of the structures also leave a lot to be desired, nevertheless I think H2PIA encapsulates the relative scope of our own project.
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